HomePlant Care & MaintenanceGarden Maintenance: Essential Tips for a Thriving, Beautiful Garden

Garden Maintenance: Essential Tips for a Thriving, Beautiful Garden

Garden Maintenance essential expert tips that help to keep your plants healthy, vibrant, and thriving with simple care techniques.

Published Sep 26, 2024, written by ToGardener
Garden Maintenance

Garden maintenance is very important having a beautiful and healthy garden is something that takes some work, but the results are truly fulfilling. The hard part of it is actually beginning – making the beds and planting the seeds. Once that is done, a few minutes a day of gardening maintenance would make sure that your crops are healthy and remain fresh.
A lot goes on in the garden, and it’s important to note that the soil is the source of nutrients for your plants. In other words, healthy soil means a healthy garden. It is the first and most important step. There are some things you need to know before starting this journey so let’s dive in.

Garden Maintenance for Watering

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A common mistake that many beginners make is watering their gardens willy-nilly; without taking the soil type and weather into consideration. If you do this, you need to stop right away. You’re in violation of the code 8217. Just kidding. While it is true that your crops need a good amount of water to grow, overdoing it can cause irreparable damage.
For newer gardens, where the seeds are yet to sprout, watering daily to a point where the soil is moist is good practice (depending on the plant of course). And for the more developed ones, 3 times a week is more than enough. Do not water the plants themselves as this could result in a spread of mold; target the soil.
The best times to water your plants would be early in the morning before you begin your day, or late in the evenings after a long day. Basically, anytime the sun is not scorching, your plants can absorb the water it needs for the rest of the day. Plus, gardening during these times allows you enough time for other details of your life. If you’re in a very hot climate, putting mulch in place would be great for retaining as much water as possible.

Garden Maintenance for Pruning

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You might have heard of pruning, but if you haven’t, it’s basically trimming the dead or unwanted part of your plants to stimulate healthier growth. It’s just like shaping your plants to grow the way you want, not the way they feel they should.
You might ask, is pruning necessary in garden maintenance? Of course, pruning is necessary. Letting dead parts of your plants linger, stunts the plants growth and also affects the aesthetic of your garden. Plus, it might cause a space problem if a plant is allowed to overgrow.


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Thinning is much like pruning in the sense that your plants are getting chopped off. Relax, just a part of it. But it is aimed at a different objective. Unlike pruning, thinning aims to give your plant space to grow. Usually, seeds come with a planting guide that gives an idea of the space each fully grown plant would require. But if you maybe borrowed a few seeds from a friend or you lost the guide, take into consideration the size of the adult plant before planting.
In the off chance that the seeds grow abnormally, or you maybe miscalculated the spacing, then thinning is required. If ignored, it could stunt the growth of the surrounding plants and increase the chances of fungal infections.
Important details to note when thinning is to use clippers or scissors. Don’t pull on the plants or you could damage the roots. Cut the stem neatly and remember to be gentle.


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This is a concept that is not new to anyone; old and new gardeners alike. What might give the ol-timers an advantage is that they know when to fertilize. You’ll be relieved to know that you don’t actually need all that much. So if you’ve been having sleepless nights about fertilizers, you can relax now. The purpose of fertilizers in garden maintenance is to give your plants the chance to grow the best they can.
When is the best time to apply fertilizers? So, there really is no general rule. For landscape plants like trees and lawns, the best time would be when the plants are actively growing. For most gardens though, the best time would probably be before planting. How frequently you do this would depend on the fertilizer you use. It should come with instructions and if they don’t, togardener is always here.
The type of fertilizer you use in your garden would depend on the type of soil and plant that you are working with. 10-10-10 NPK is a solid choice and should work well with most soils.
Finally, something else to consider when using fertilizers is the environment. There are two types of fertilizers. There’s organic and there’s inorganic (synthetic) options. Organic fertilizers are made from natural sources like animal dung while inorganic comes from chemicals like Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Generally, organic fertilizers are better for the environment even though they are not as effective and typically cost more.


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One of the more important parts of garden maintenance, especially in the later stages; when your crops are growing. Weeds are like those friends who you never invite to the party but they always attend. They are a farmer’s – or in this case – a gardener’s worst nightmare. If not properly handled, these guys can overtake your garden. No matter how pretty they may be, you need to remove weeds from your garden on a daily basis, or thoroughly every week, because they compete for nutrients and water with the main plants. And in most cases, they win, stunting the growth of your plants.

Pest control

Pest Control
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Insects are a part of gardening, and owning a garden means you’re ready for pests. Some of these pests are good for the crops while others are much less desirable, like the insufferable fire ants. The good news is good gardening maintenance can almost eradicate them, or at least keep them at bay.

The trick is to firstly identify which insect is a pest and then go ahead to use the least toxic means of eradication. For example, after identifying a pest, if hand picking them off the garden is enough to keep their numbers at an optimal level, then do so. Unless there is no other way, it’s always best to stay away from using pesticides on your garden, especially your veggies.
During your gardening journey, especially as a newbie, you’re bound to make mistakes. Even the most experienced gardeners today made and probably still make mistakes. What’s important is that you keep learning and improving on your craft and skill. If you’ve been following closely, you’ll see that we’ve gone over a couple of these.

Bad watering Practices

Bad Watering Practices
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Over or under watering your garden is not a great gardening maintenance practice and can pose issues for the crops. Make sure your soil is evenly moist. Water at regular intervals, either in the mornings or at night. It keeps the soil healthy and ready to deliver moisture and nutrients to the plants. Remember that a healthy soil is a healthy garden.

Overuse or bad choice of fertilizers

Overuse or bad choice of fertilizers
Photo from The

Avoid the overuse of fertilizers on your crops. Keep in mind that the plants don’t even need fertilizers to grow in the first place; it’s just an aid. Follow the guidelines given in the fertilizer manual. You don’t need to apply fertilizers every day. And before you even get any fertilizers, study your soil and know which fertilizer best works for your soil.

Garden Maintenance for Planting in the wrong seasons

This is a common mistake from newbie gardeners. Plants planted in the wrong season would most likely die before they ever see the light of day. Every seed has the best season to grow, and it’s your duty to do enough research on the crops you’re about to plant. Good gardening maintenance involves planting at the right time and also harvesting at the right time. It helps your pocket, and reduces losses.

Planting too closely together

I know it can be tempting to manage your space, especially if you have a little garden. Or maybe it’s just the fact that you want your seeds to have a buddy to talk to and play with. Well, they don’t need buddies. Planting your seeds far apart is highly recommended as it helps the plants to grow into mature adults without stunting the growth of others around it. Always refer to your guide to know how much space is required, even if you are an experienced gardener. You just might forget.

Planting crops that you won’t eat or use

You’ll be surprised by how common it is for crops to be wasted by gardeners. Many people just want to tend to a garden because it’s fun and gives some dopamine, but not eating or giving/selling out the crops is wasteful and isn’t encouraged. If you plant some cabbages, use them in a salad. Or maybe you can donate your crops to the local farmer’s market. That is never a bad idea, is it?

Don’t sow more than you can handle

Well, it’s better you hear it here than find out later in the future. It’s tempting to crack away, sowing your seeds. But, any experienced gardener who has made the mistake will tell you why it is a dreadful mistake. Except you plan on eating salad every day, you’d probably have to give it all out. All the blood, sweat and tears, for nothing. Your neighbors might not complain though.

Letting weeds grow

Sometimes, weeds look good, and green, or whatever color. And you might feel tempted to leave them alone. But at the end of the day, they are still weeds and they’re not supposed to be there. Letting them grow would only cause harm to your main plants. The worst part about them is that they grow really fast and can take over the whole layout. You give them an inch and they take a mile. So, anytime you spot weeds in your garden, make sure to remove them.

Giving up early

Every new venture, including gardening, requires a learning curve. Again, as a rookie or even a seasoned gardener, you will definitely make mistakes. Don’t let that stop you. Take the loss in your stride and keep trying. You have to be ready for accept the bad days as much as the good days. But with every challenge you face, you’ll discover a way to do it better next time, and before you know it, you’re a pro.


When people hear the word garden, what usually comes to mind is food, fruits, and veggies which is the norm. Everyone has probably fantasized about having a little cottage home with a vibrant garden in the backyard.
But there’s a side to gardening that is entirely different. Landscape gardening. It’s gardening for the eyes alone, and although most general rules still apply, this is slightly different.
You ever read one of those storybooks where the princess walks through a beautiful garden and it comes to life in your head? Landscape gardens are truly one of the world’s wonders, and if it’s something you’re interested in, then you wanna keep these tips nearby.

Plan everything from the start to finish

Don’t just begin, plan. This kind of gardening is art, so visualize the outcome before you begin anything.

Experiment with colors

It’s your canvas. Use colors. There are a lot of different flowers, each with its unique color. Explore that! Take advantage of it. Roses are red and violets are blue isn’t just a saying. So go crazy!

Take lighting into consideration

Whether it’s the natural light of the outdoors or a little lamp on your drawer, take the lighting seriously. Use the light to highlight the features of your plants. Make it pop!

Trim your plants regularly

For many landscape gardens, symmetry is important. Make sure your plants are where they are supposed to be and are equally trimmed. There needs to be an order in landscape gardening.

In the end, garden maintenance doesn’t have to be rocket science. It’s more about paying attention, being consistent, and making little adjustments as you go. Keep it simple and enjoy the process.

If you want to know about Indoor Gardening Read this content.